popular vote pros and cons

According to the Constitution, the Electoral College is a compromise between election of the President by a vote in Congress and election of the President by a popular vote of qualified citizens (National Archives). I, too, like the Electoral College. The top three contenders face off with each state casting one vote. by Betty Keller. The Electoral College has a more than 90 percent success rate," says Thomas Neale . Does not result in a distribution of seats proportional to each party's share of the popular vote. Makes voting in places where the voter isn't known locally easier. Since 2006, the national popular vote bill has passed in 15 states plus the District of Columbia. The candidate who gets the most votes nationwide is said to have won the popular vote. Under the electoral college system of voting, the number of representatives a state has in Congress (Senators and Representatives) is the total number of electoral votes it is allowed. Ranked-choice voting allows the person placed into office to have some sort of support from most of the community that voted. As time passed, numerous movements aimed to go from this method to a popular election, but the system still remains. . I think "true democratic government" is a really bad idea. Electoral College Pros and Cons The 2016 presidential election was an example of the discrepancy between the Electoral College votes and the national popular votes. May reduce the overall costs of an election. Most recently, Hillary Clinton won the popular vote by a particularly wide margin, but she still only won 48.2% of voters, compared to the over 50% that Barack Obama won both times. Al Gore had received more popular vote than George W. Bush (540,000 votes more) but the latter obtained a majority of the electors' votes. In the 2012 presidential election, Mitt Romney won 48% of the popular vote but only 38% of the electoral vote." Many Americans don't even understand how it works, and it seems to mostly only come up in close elections where the popular vote cannot determine the winner. The explosive rise in mail-in voting has touched off a largely partisan debate about its efficacy and its susceptibility to abuse and fraud. There is a lot of content on this website about the reasons to leave banking, but not a lot about the reasons to stay, so it would be great to hear about the pros of the decision from some A2A's. What are the pros and cons of the electoral college? Members of the Legislative and Judicial branch are elected by their state by forms of a direct democratic vote by the state's citizens. The electoral college is the system used in the United states to elect the president and the vice president. Voting by Mail Pros and Cons. Numerous movements have aimed to go from an Electoral College to a popular election, but the system remains. Parade. In 2016, Hillary Clinton defeated Donald Trump in the popular vote by a percentage of 48.2% to 46.1% nationally, a difference of 2.9 million votes. direct popular vote pros and consevergreen shrubs for shade. The pros and cons of instant runoff voting show that it could be beneficial, but it may require some communities to . It protects minority interests. It gives each vote an equal amount of power. The state legislatures of the cooperating states would . Being a politician is a 247365 job and the intensity increases as you climb the ladder. Electoral College is a complicated and undemocratic system as viewed by some. There will be political stability if a country uses the Electoral College body in its elections. This reduces the incentive to go "scorched earth" on an opponent. It came under heavy criticism after the 2016 presidential election. Electoral College, Alternative Methods of . The election for president is consisted of a vote from Congress, and by popular vote . With the Electoral College, the candidate who wins by popular vote is nullified. Funding by lobbyists is a big problem. Ahh, the Electoral College a source of much boredom, confusion, and frustration for Americans, especially among young voters. It reduces the cost of a college tuition. Requires a distribution of popular support to be elected president- the winning candidate must demonstrate both a sufficient popular support to govern as well s a sufficient distribution of that support to govern. The Electoral College is consisted of electors, from each state, that cast their ballots for president and vice president. May 11, 2022 Republican Donald Trump lost the nationwide popular vote to Democrat Hillary Clinton by over 2.8 million votes but won the Electoral College therefore the presidency by 74 electoral votes. It is clear that there are many arguments for both sides. This, like a recount, would consume time, effort, and money. Although that means parents would need to apply for their local ECHS program in some way, there is generally no cost associated with such a program. Instead, under the electoral college, they are essentially casting a ballot for their preferred candidate's electors. Pros and Cons Of The Electoral College . 863 comments. 2. Second pro would be that since the census changes, so do the numbers of electors per state (Electoral Vote vs Popular Vote). If the election were solely based on the popular vote, then any states with tight vote counts might be subject to recounts and it could delay the process . Pros and Cons of Lobbyists in the Us. They give divine guidance to human intermediaries that manage the day to day affairs of the government. There is a possibility of all the candidates involved in the election being treated fairly as the votes may not be biased hence the best way of getting a president of a country. Describe in your own words each of the Pros and Cons of the Electoral college. Promotes two party system 3. It tarnishes democracy. 1.2.1 Resistance from Status-Quo. 2) If a runoff were required, less people would come out and vote, especially the fifth of the electorate who originally voted for Perot. At least 180 million Americans, more than three-fourths of the electorate, will be eligible to cast their ballots by . General public is used to this concept. September 6, 2016 at 12:38 pm. These electors typically vote for the candidate for which their state popularly voted. Al Gore had received more popular vote than George W. Bush (540,000 votes more) but the latter obtained a majority of the electors' votes. This skews significance only on sparse and small populated states. Most recently this happened in the 2000 Presidential election, George W. Bush vs. Al Gore. Nov 14, 2016. Shows Stability 2. Are able to be designed responding to lower rates of literacy. The bag is a regular sized backpack. Even though Maine and Nebraska don't use a winner-take-all system, it is rare for either state to have a split vote. Rather than focus on donations and endorsements from corporations to ensure appointment, they must prove fairness and adherence to the law to keep citizens invested in keeping them in the courtroom. Bigger influence of minorities. If only the popular vote mattered, candidates might concentrate their energies on densely populated metro areas like New York, Los Angeles and Chicago.Depending on your perspective, that might sound like a change for the worse. I, too, like the Electoral College. Most Early College High School programs are offered in conjunction with local public school districts. In states with large population centers, individual voters have less power than voters in smaller states. Awful Work-Life Balance. The impeachment of Dilma, or any president, should be subject to popular vote, even after a political ruling considers her unfit to carry on. 1.6k. In US presidential elections, people don't vote . Campaigns in elections using ranked-choice voting have a stark difference from typical "most votes wins" elections playing for second place is a viable strategy. Read more about this topic: Pros And Cons Of The U.S. Remember: the framers gave the responsibility of electing the president to the states i. [ 1] Promotes majority support - The voting continues until one candidate has the majority of votes, so the final winner has support of the majority of voters.. Discourages negative campaigning - Candidates who use negative campaigning may . Pros to the Electoral College. Electoral College may not represent the United State as a whole correctly, which means it could distort or ignore the popular vote. pros and cons of voting in america. However, the Electoral College results were not close as Trump won by a margin of 304 to 227. The Electoral College is a collection of 538 votes that will determine who the next President is. List of the Pros of Using the Popular Vote 1. Rutherford B. Hayes (winner) vs. Samuel J. Tilden in 1876: Tiden won the popular vote by 264,292 votes John Quincy Adams won the electoral vote in 1824 but lost the popular vote to Andrew Jackson by 44,804 votes in 1824 Popular Support for the Electoral College One candidate in each . The shoes are comfy. However, in the popular vote, Trump only received 62,984,825 votes against Hillary Clinton's 65,853,516 popular votes. Elections in Maine and New York City have already been shown to be more positive and . Here are some of the more major pros and cons to the current practice: PROS. Proof the voter is legally registered to vote. I will lay out the Pros and Cons of the Electoral College, since the popular vote is rather obvious: Cons:-Suppression of Independent parties But there are also staunch defenders of the Electoral College who, though perhaps less vocal than its critics, offer very powerful . In the 2000 presidential election, Al Gore won the popular vote by more than 500,000 ballots, but George Bush became president by winning the Electoral College 271 to 266. Cons. Many cities do not have the proper equipment to count the ballots. 4569. Effectiveness depends on the region. Louisiana State University. 3. The LWVVT has a position in support of Instant Runoff Voting, but we here present a review of the arguments for and against it. To have a good idea about this, let us take a look at its pros and cons. In Oregon we have seen soooooo many bad ideas pas. Promotion of new political ideas. Here are the essential pros and cons of popular vote elections to examine. Strengthens the status of minority groups- the votes of small minorities within a state may make the difference between winning . The best president could still win through winning over the electoral votes, even if they didn't win the popular vote. direct popular vote pros and cons. The United States does not have direct election of its president, yet most national, state and local offices are filled by the candidate with the . An even greater miscarriage of democracy almost occurred in the 2020 election. Cons. But let me admit. . Pros And Cons Of The Electoral College vote by 2.7 Million votes. Electoral College Pros and Cons Zach Blue 1. The 538 votes are devided among the states based on the population of each state, but each state, including District of Colombia, is given three votes to start. and All the items are indestructible. 1. The Pros and Cons of Democracy. 1. There are also claims that, had the Electoral College been abolished, Bush still would have won the 2000 election. May improve popularity of a candidate. It is possible for most Americans to vote for a candidate, but that candidate can . It will help avoid an recount of everyone in the nation, which would be extremely time consuming. List of the Pros of ECHS. The concept of Electoral College may lead to social tensions. But let me admit. Representative government ensures things get done and helps them be done by smart people. The official 2016 election results from the Electoral College gave Donald J. Trump the victory with 306 electoral votes v. Hillary Clinton's 232 votes. The official general election results indicate that Trump received 304 Electoral College votes and 46.09% of the popular vote (62,984,825 votes), and Hillary Clinton received 227 Electoral College votes and 48.18% of the popular vote (65,853,516 votes). Get custom essay. The country's people should have the last say because they are sovereign, regardless of whether statistics show their support or rejection. When electing the President, it is more complex; there are two major factors involved, The Electoral College and popular vote. The majority gets to express their opinion. Proponents could also point out that only once has the winner of the popular vote who lost the electoral college won a majority of the country's voters. Here are the Cons of the Electoral College. It promotes fairness. Useful for voters who are still indecisive. Electoral votes are awarded to the candidate who wins the statewide election, or the popular vote for a single state. Every election year sparks debate over our electoral system's legitimacy, even though few fully understand how the Electoral College works or why it exists. The relevancy of the Electoral College system is. ADVANTAGES. 1. As a result, democracy suffers because it provides the notion that all votes are not equally important. There are pros and cons to both systems. In all but two states, the winner of the popular vote receives all of that state's electoral college votes no matter the margin of victory. Advantage: Encourages Voter Turnout The Electoral College is made up of 538 electors and a majority of 270 electoral votes is mandatory to nominate the President. PROs of IRV/RCV. IRV might save money on the total number of elections that must be held, but it doesn't save money on the number of counts required. Imagine a U.S. presidential with no electoral college. Demographics. 1. Like with all careers, there are many drawbacks to becoming a politician, including: 1. However, a popular vote system, although hard to implement, is a more purely democratic system than the Electoral College. These electors are often party loyalists, or the individuals close to the campaigns. Necessity for recounts would be more likely in a popular vote system. Elections in Maine and New York City have already been shown to be more positive and . This reduces the incentive to go "scorched earth" on an opponent. The Electoral College system has caused much controversy. pros : - it helps create a quality unity of the whole country by making it necessary that a presidential candidate has widespread popular support - the votes of minorities in a state can make the difference between a candidate winning all of that state 's electoral votes or none of that state 's electoral votes - it ensures that no one party can Pro #1: It keeps smaller states relevant in national politics. It encourages political stability. This 538 is the same number of Senators and representatives in Congress combined. Election Campaign Cons. It gives more voting power to individual voters in smaller states. It doesn't change the number of counts. List of Pros of the Electoral College. The bill will take effect when enacted by states with 74 more electoral votes to reach a majority (270 of 538). Political campaigns can help winning elections. The electoral college may have a few pros and cons. Just like with everything it has its pros and cons. Pros 1. popular vote. Typically, these electors vote for the candidate for which their states popularly voted. Answer (1 of 3): Agree with Ian's comments. Majorities can still be won with less than 50 per cent of the vote. - The successful candidate has to achieve an absolute majority so all votes and 2nd votes and so on may be used, preventing vote wastage. The process is the same for the Vice Presidency, except that the U.S. Senate makes that selection. Edit: the penny doubles in value every day. the elected members of parliament) in order to vote in favor of a bill or law that will favor the majority of citizens or the employers of the lobbyists. Waste of money. Requires a wide variety of voters Cons: 1. A popular vote system would significantly impact voters and turnout. I think "true democratic government" is a really bad idea. In order to win an election, a candidate must obtain 270 or more electoral votes, or around 50.2% of all votes. It allows the two party system to easily . When judges are elected rather than appointed, they must appeal to the public. Since election results usually yield landslide victories in electoral votes; the certainty of the election results are questioned less often. They reason that, knowing the election was to be focused on popular vote, Bush would have allocated his resources differently and still managed a victory. In light of the elections that have just passed us by (thankfully!! Posted by 3 days ago. Individual states agree to pledge their electors to the winner of the national popular vote, provided that enough other states follow suit. 1. Secondly, the Electoral College is a very controversial system that I believe is unnecessary and outdated. With a popular vote, two problems would've been brought about by this: 1) A runoff election would've been required. Pros and Cons " George. Some voting machines are only programmed to count the number of votes for each candidate and cannot reallocate votes, according to TwinCities . In Oregon we have seen soooooo many bad ideas pas. of individual or persons who is/ are employed in order to convince or persuade the legislatures (i.e. Let's have a look at the many issues on this topic. Electoral College Pros and Cons The 2016 presidential election was an example of the discrepancy between the Electoral College votes and the national popular votes. 1. Pros And Cons Of Electoral Votes 438 Words | 2 Pages House of Representatives. One of the greatest drawbacks of becoming a politician is the awful work-life balance. It's pretty accurate. We all live in the United States a country a freedom, a country of democracy, living in a democracy has many good and many bad factors although other systems are less desirable it is important to know democracies flaws.

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popular vote pros and cons

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