wmic product get name remote computer

Write WMIC output to file. Get-WmiObject is querying the data in the win32_computersystem object. By Typing " wmic product get name " will shows you a list of all application names which is installed on your machine. If the above does not help, you can try the following: 1. open Command Prompt. Choose All programs and click Next. . Using quotes when you don't need them is OK. WMIC.exe Windows Management Instrumentation Command. First create the text file computers.txt which includes one computer name in each line. Below are the various steps to make this work. For little and more concentrate information we will use following command. Syntax: wmic process call create " [Process Name]". 5. With our admin shell, we're going to type wmic and then push Enter button. . All WMI objects and their properties, including their methods, are accessible through the shell, which makes WMIC an advanced systems management console. In this tutorial we will look how to get information about CPU. At first I didn't use a scope variable, however I found out this was a big no-no, so I made one and used it as seen above. Now, in part three, we'll take a closer look at some advanced ways of formatting data. The above command should produce the Product Key for your local copy of Windows. Netdom can do the same thing Don't forget that you can also rename a computer using Netdom. We will discuss here the WMI method to uninstall software. Get-process -ComputerName Test-PC. Many companies do put dashes in computer names. The hostname command couldn't be any simpler. $ wmic cpu /? To retrieve the BIOS serial number of the local computer, we need to access the Win32_BIOS WMI class. To get all running processes on the remote computer, you need to use - ComputerName parameter in Get-process cmdlet, WMI class Win32_Process or using the Get-CimInstance cmdlet. If you want to access the remote computer with alternate credentials, you can submit username and password, as in the following command: In the command prompt window type the password for user Administrator@domain.com and press Enter Type WMIC Now, list all Nokia software on a specific computer using the command /node:COMPUTERNAME product where vendor="Nokia" get name, version Below is the exact command you can run on any Windows computer to retrieve serial number. Log on to Windows. Choose Custom and click Next. wmic product WHERE "IdentifyingNumber = '. wmic product. Get Serial Number for a list of Remote Computers using PowerShell. I can achieve it by opening CMD with administrator privileges, and then type this line: wmic.exe /node: (computername or ip address) computersystem get username. - Stephan. To display only the serial number . It allows administrators to run WMI queries on local or remote computers. If you like to get software audit information including only software product name and version, you need to change the command to the following. By using ([WMI]'').ConvertToDateTime((Get-WmiObject Win32_OperatingSystem).InstallDate) I can get the info for my local machine but I can't figure out how to adapt it for use on a remote machine. WMIC is based on aliases. Log on to Windows Server 2012 R2, click the PowerShell icon on the desktop taskbar. In this article, I am going write Powershell script samples using Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Product to get installed products in Local and Remote Machine. In the prompt window, run the following command: get-ciminstance win32_bios. Wmic supports different levels of information displaying. They won't hurt anything. Batch usage is the most popular where we can issue WMI commands into MS-DOS or PowerShell like below. I'm using C# Winforms and I'm trying to get the user name that currently logged on a speitific computer on the domain. Select all Open in new window. Use the below powershell script to find serial number for multiple remote computers. This can also help us in figuring out our CPU specs. Then select Command Prompt (Admin). Store the credential that is returned from Get-Credential in a variable. name, device id, number of cores, max clock speed, status. We can also send attributes to get the particular details of a CPU in a better view. It is possible to access the system "delta" from system "gamma" with remote desktop. As you can see in the below screenshot that this . Useful WMIC commands. Getting remote data; Make it a function! That's it! The WIN32_Product WMI class doesn't return all the installed software. To get a list, try accessing these two registry keys: # get 64-bit software on 64-bit systems OR 32-bit software on 32-bit systems [array]$32_or_64bitsoftware = get-itemproperty 'HKLM:\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\*' # get 32-bit software ON 64-bit systems [array]$32_on_64bitsoftware = get . WMI, which stands for Windows Management Instrumentation, is Microsoft's own implementation of CIM and has been around since Windows NT 4.0. > wmic USERACCOUNT get Caption,Name,PasswordRequired,Status Caption Name PasswordRequired Status SERVER2008\administrator administrator TRUE Degraded . Your computer's model number will then . The following commands illustrate these steps: Description: This technical article will show how to find your computer's model number in Windows 8. os get vendor - there is no such thing as an OS vendor, that's where the invalid query is coming from. In the following code, I first import my HSGWMImoduleV6 module, and then I use the Get-WMIKey function to return the key to the Win32_Product WMI class. The WMIC tool is deprecated in Windows 10, version 21H1 and the 21H1 semi-annual channel release of Windows Server. $ wmic cpu list brief List Brief Retrieve a huge range of information about local or remote computers. WMI method. Execute the command below in an elevated Command Prompt on the client machine that's generating the WMI corruption errors. DOMAIN\User. Select RPC Dynamic Ports as the Local Port and click Next. Or if you know the system is running a particular version of the Windows operating system, e.g., Windows 10, but want to see just the build number for that version of Windows, you could issue the command wmic os get BuildNumber. The list of installed programs and their version number will be in front of you. However just calling wmic product get name will get you a list of application names, that you can easily copy paste to a text editor and convert to spreadsheet format. You can also run the following cmdlet if you are a fan of PowerShell. Type the command: WMIC CSPRODUCT GET NAME, then press enter. Uses for WMIC. WMI queries from the command line. Here's an example scanning a networked machine for all installed applications from the vendor "Apple, Inc" Otherwise it would get results from the local machine. >/node:COMPUTERNAME product get name,version,vendor This command asks WMI to reply with a list including the Name, Version, and Vendor of all compliant software installations. Thanks a lot! After a short wait, you will see a table with a list of names and versions of programs installed on your system. Find computer make and model from CMD Just run the command given below to get computer model. The commands mentioned above target a single machine . The ComputerName parameter specifies the IP address of a remote computer. From system "gamma", with the command, "wmic" data can be requested from system "delta". Running the hostname command. WMIC ComputerSystem where Name=COMPUTERNAME call Rename Name=NewName Don't forget to reboot as you will not be prompted to restart the system. Run Powershell script: - thru WMI object: Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Product -Computer . . List of WMIC CSProduct Get Name Results. Insert this right after the wmic, but before any other part of the command: for instance, wmic /output:"C:\output.txt" , then the output will export the output.txt file. Once you run the command, you can see it will display the . . wmic product get name,version - on remote one we have to add node parameter to our wmi statement: wmic /node:"FQDN_Goes_Here" product get name,version. Remote connection with wmic One useful aspect about this command is that it allows you to connect to multiple computers by entering a list of comma-separated computer names. This article shows WMIC usage on Windows Server 2008. For example, in order to get information about software installed on a computer you need to execute the following command in the Windows command-line console. You will get the machine name and serial number in the csv file SerialNumbers.csv. Supply the credential from Get-Credential. Run WMI query in ROOT\CIMV2 namespace: - Start WMI Explorer or any other tool which can run WMI queries. At the "wmic:root\cli>" prompt, type the following command: /node:TargetComputerNameHere product get name, version, vendor. PowerShell Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Service -ComputerName Example 3: Get WMI classes in the root or default namespace of the local computer WMIC can provide a huge range of information about local and remote computers. You can then use this in an Apply Driver Package Task Sequence step to only present the the relevant device drivers to Windows setup at . To do so, prepend them with "wmic." For example, "wmic product get name" works the same as running "wmic," and then "product get name." Find the name of the program you want . See the available properties - there's a Version, but no Vendor: C:\>wmic os get /? Substitute the computer name (or your environment variable, if you're doing a for loop in a batch file) for "dave-pc," and you'll be off to the races. Like WMI itself, WMIC is available as of Windows XP Professional. WMIC is based on aliases. Help. Type your WMI commands. For instance, this command line uninstalls multiple versions of Adobe Reader and it does it on a remote computer: Tip: Using WMIC in a batch file (startup script) This is probably the tip administrators will find the most useful. In order to do so, simply use the /output: "< filepath & name >" switch. wmic computersystem get model,name,manufacturer,systemtype With -ComputerName parameter. See this guide on how to check if Windows Updates were Installed on your Computer using was, program and features, DISM and wmic, etc, and how to find the AUMID of an . However, if you don't want to get the same in a text file, the command is similar, and here is the format. Pipe to Get-Member instead of Select to see all properties, or Select * - or Format-List *. I didn't have access to the pc because they were in a meeting. I'm pulling out a time-tested PowerShell function from my days on the service desk today. You'll need >>log.txt instead of >log.txt, because > will overwrite your file with the output of every single node, resulting in a logfile with only the last processed node. -computerName string[] The computer(s) to run against. With WMI class Win32_Product you can retrieve the list of software uninstalled in your local or the remote systems. If you would like to filter for a specific product, you may do so. Select TCP as the Protocol type. Either one can be exported by adding: /format:csv > Export.csv. After a few moments, a list will be displayed in the command prompt detailing the programs installed on the target computer. product get name Tip: You can also run wmic commands directly from the standard command line, without running "wmic" and entering the WMIC prompt first. Or if you know the system is running a particular version of the Windows operating system, e.g., Windows 10, but want to see just the build number for that version of Windows, you could issue the command wmic os get BuildNumber. With WMIC we can use WMI queries in batch files. Though the C in WMI C seems to stand for C onsole, I prefer to interpret it as WMI for the C . wmic /node:"dave-pc" os get name. Help about wmic cpu command can be listed like below. From the results of that query, we are displaying only the username value, which contains the name of . The result is: UserName Domain\real-user-name. I can use the Get-WMIKey function from my HSGWMImoduleV6 module. wmic product where "name = 'java 7 update 10'" call uninstall. In its simplest form, WMIC is a utility that allows you to interact with WMI from a WMI-aware command-line shell. WMIC provides two type of usage. The command will export the list . C:\Users\Public>wmic os get BuildNumber . For example, you can: Include the "brief" option in the wmic command, e.g., "wmic product list brief" Specify an output file in the wmic command, e.g., "wmic output:product_list.txt product list" Uninstalling programs via WMI ^ The class Win32_Product is responsible for this. > wmic baseboard get product Print Motherboards Model and Number . Property get operations. > wmic USERACCOUNT get Caption,Name,PasswordRequired,Status Caption Name PasswordRequired Status SERVER2008\administrator administrator TRUE Degraded . Using WMIC. Get-WmiObject uses DCOM to communicate with remote computers and is also usually available as well. PS C:\> Get-WmiKey win32_product. Run the elevated Command Prompt (use search and then run the app as Administrator), and execute the following command: wmic product get name,version. Make configuration changes to multiple remote machines. - wmic USERACCOUNT WHERE "Disabled=0 AND LocalAccount=1 GET Name" Change Start Mode of Service And though WMI can be added on Window NT 4 and 2000, WMIC requires Windows XP Professional or later. Lock user account: . For example, Get-WmiObject Win32_Product -Filter "Name='Vmware tools'" Replace "computername" with the name or IP address of the computer you wish to get the key from. Win32_Product WMI Class Replacement. The closest I've gotten is Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_OperatingSystem -Property InstallDate -ComputerName <name> but that gives me . This article shows WMIC usage on Windows Server 2008. link. - wmic SHARE WHERE "NOT Name LIKE '%$'" GET Name, Path: Find stuff that starts on boot - wmic STARTUP GET Caption, Command, User: Identify any local system accounts that are enabled (guest, etc.) wmic cpu. Batch WMIC. Specify the IP address of the scan node on the remote IP addresses list or choose Any IP address and then click Next. wmic bios get serialnumber. Help List Brief. Share this post on: LinkedIn; Twitter; Facebook; Reddit; Email; Run the command below with your desired name which you wish to have the installed programs listed in. wmic . This page (sorted by Vendor and Model number) shows the results of running the WMIC CSProduct Get Name command from a Command Prompt to retrieve the model name from WMI. Share this post on: LinkedIn; Twitter; Facebook; Reddit; Email; Run wmic command-line interface: - Press WIN+R - Type "wmic", press Enter - In wmic command prompt type: /node:RemoteComputerName product 3. wmic product where "name = 'java 7 update 1'" uninstall. Open a Command Prompt by pressing the Windows key on your keyboard and tapping the letter X at the same time. Usage; Hey! This is the full command, and what it does is checks the status of printers connected to a host called SERVER1. wmic /node:SERVER1 printer list status. To save all results in a text file, type " wmic /output:D:\yeahhub.txt product get . CIM, which stands for Common Information Model, is an object-oriented, open-source standard for retrieving, displaying, and managing computer, network, application, and services information. Some WMIC (and Get-WMIObject) commands that I use all the time. I am not connecting to a remote computer, just trying to detect process launch on my computer. Command option Sample:wmic CSPRODUCT Search command sample in the internet.It is the result. You can then paste that into a spreadsheet . WMI Don't use WMI. 1. Create a process. Example: C:\>wmic bios get serialnumber SerialNumber BP69SDK. Use the Enter-PSSession cmdlet to create a remote session. Run command for remote desktop (RDP client) Find saved outlook emails; E-mail Newsletter . It is slow, clunky, and only moderately useful. If you want to grab the Product Key from a remote computer, you can use this command: wmic /node:computername path softwarelicensingservice get OA3xOriginalProductKey. A NETBIOS name, an IP address, full domain name or . -Authority string The authority to use to authenticate a remote WMI connection: NTLM = ntlmdomain:DomainName Kerberos = kerberos:DomainName\ServerName-class string The name of a WMI class (see list below). We can create many processes on the victim's system using the process alias of wmic command. 1. If you need both serial number and model number of your computer, run the following instead which gives you both info at once. WMIC - 'Windows Management Interface Command' can be used for .EXE's - see below; MSIEXEC - 'Microsoft Installer Executable' can be used for programs that installed using a .MSI file; PowerShell WMI Commands - The new way to uninstall! WMI command generally used to query all of the system related information like Computer Name, BIOS Serial Number, Mac Address etc. The commands and the output from the commands are shown here. Example: wmic.exe /node:"" ComputerSystem Get UserName. . # Using wmic command to get information about computer and write to file # To use: Right click on File name > Left click on "Run in Powershell" # Or hit F5 from within Powershell ISE editor # Create a file on the C drive out-file c:\temp\computerinfofile.txt # Get the serial number and overwrite text file if it exists already wmic bios get serialnumber > c:\temp\computerinfofile.txt Otherwise, you'll need to enable PowerShell Remoting on remote endpoints when wanting to use Get-CimInstance via WSMAN. Exit the PSSession by using EXIT. wmic group get name,SID /format:CSV gwmi win32_group | Select Name, SID wmic useraccount list brief gwmi win32_useraccount | select name wmic csproduct get version wmic /namespace:\\root\CIMV2\ path Win32_ComputerSystemProduct get version gwmi win32 . Call the Installation (for a Single Machine) If so, then WMIC is the tool for you. We can also get architecture (32bit/64bit) using this command. wmic process call create "taskmgr.exe". The other Windows system has the name "gamma". This is helpful in running any backdoor or fill up the memory of the victim's system. To get the hp laptop product name from the command prompt, follow the below steps: Open the command prompt (Press Window + R which will open the Run box. If all else fails, reinstall the Windows operating system on the client machine that's generating the WMI . We didn't have the pc in our online inventory under service tag because we created the new system before they got their laptop. This command returns a single string (the computer name of the local computer). You may use a particular attribute to get particular details of CP. C:\Users\Public>wmic os get version Version 10.0.15063 C:\Users\Public>. wmic useraccount get name,fullname. . WMIC can provide a huge range of information about local and remote computers. Sure it is an old script, but there ain't a faster way to get a real-time list of installed software using PowerShell, guaranteed. The /node switch is used to establish connection to the host and then query it with the relevant command. We can control user accounts on a windows computer using 'wmic useraccount' command. In part two, we learned how to query remote machines and work with WMIC right from the command line. Back then, we didn't need no stinkin' PowerShell to get a computer name; we had the hostname command! -- and WMIC will create a formatted HTML page detailing your running services (replace "C:\folder" with an appropriate . Use the command: wmic service get /format:hform > c:\folder\services.html. How do I retrieve the Windows install date from a remote computer? Using WMIC. C:\Users\Public>wmic os get version Version 10.0.15063 C:\Users\Public>. It checks the integrity of Windows operating system files and attempts to repair errors it finds. We explore WMIC, MSIEXEC and POWERSHELL below: Command Line to Uninstall a Program using WMIC wmic product get name,version. Alternatively, you can even find all possible information in one command like " wmic product get name, version, installlocation ". WMIC product get name. That's it! 3: Via Windows Management Instrumentation Command-line (WMIC): The WMIC is a command-line and scripting interface that simplifies the use of Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) and systems managed through WMI. I couldn't contact them because they were in a meeting. Then type the below command: WMIC CSPRODUCT GET NAME. wmic csproduct get vendor, version There's another command which can be used to get the computer system model information. at the end. CPU. From WSUS Open Command Prompt and run the following command: wmic bios get serialnumber. PS C:\> Get-WmiObject Win32_ComputerSystem | Select -Expand Model System Product Name PS C:\> To target a remote computer, simply add the parameter "-ComputerName server01" to gwmi/Get-WmiObject. Open up a PowerShell (or even cmd .exe prompt) and type hostname. Alternatively, enter: wmic /output:C:\InstallList.txt product get name,version. It queries the remote computer we specified by using the -comp tag, which can be either a machine name or IP address. Batch File or Script to completely remove any version of Java - scripting - www.windows-noob.com. Step into WMIC Remotely to Install Software One of the nice advantages of WMIC is that it can work from any machine. For a full breakdown, check out the Microsoft documentation. wmic product get name,version - on remote one we have to add node parameter to our wmi statement: wmic /node:"FQDN_Goes_Here" product get name,version. The output of the wmic command can be fairly long. Wmic allows you to query remote computers through WMI. wmic /user:<admin user of network> /node:<pc name on network> os get "SerialNumber" of course remove brackets AND "SerialNumber" (keep it the way its written) in my example would be: Summary: List Installed Software in Local Machine; List Installed Software in Remote Computer; Get List of Installed Products with Filter; Export Installed Product List into CSV file We can find other bios information also using 'wmic bios get' command. wmic csproduct get name, identifyingnumber. wmic product get name,version > "path" wmic product get name,version > D:\programs1.txt. Valid values are listed below. sfc /scannow. 2. type in the below: wmic.exe /node:"IP-or-HostName" ComputerSystem Get UserName. In this article, I will be demonstrating how to use Powershell script samples such as "Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Product" to get installed products in Local and Remote Machine. By default, the current user account must be a member of the Administrators group on the remote computer. 1. nearly correct. Also you might want to insert something like echo ---- NODE: %%a ---->>log.txt just before the wmic line. We can lock or unlock user accounts, change password settings for local accounts using this command. PS C:\> Import-Module hsg*6. Select Allow the connection and click Next. PowerShell Microsoft Technologies Software & Coding. There are several very useful options for dealing with the output. This access succeeds both with the accounts "administrator" and "sysadmin" and the corresponding passwords. and it will output the following: UserName. wmic product get name,version. wmic /node:<computer name or IP> /user . link. C:\Users\Public>wmic os get BuildNumber . This command helps to gather all information about a CPU i.e. (Note: we could go to WMIC directly from the runas command it just breaks the steps). There type " cmd " and click on OK which will open the command prompt.). Either one can be exported by adding: /format:csv > Export.csv. Note: In general, uppercase is ignored, so you can use only lowercase if you need. example of a basic WMI Query to get the product name of a remote system. USAGE: GET [<property list>] [<get switches>] NOTE: <property list> ::= <property name> | <property name>, <property list> The following properties are available: Property Type . This will output a TXT file with the list of programs. To connect multiple computers use computer . With its help, you can first view the installed software: Get-CimInstance -Class Win32_Product -ComputerName <Remote-PC> | -Format-List Once you have viewed the program in question, you can further narrow the list: at the end. Done. To run a WMI command on a remote machine by using WinRM. If you need specific software, you can filter by its name. To rename a computer we can use the "Rename" method of the "Win32_ComputerSystem" WMI class.

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wmic product get name remote computer

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