which character is best described as the antagonist

Traditionally, the noun protagonist describes a leading character who drives the story forward, although contemporary English now uses protagonist for any leading figure of a cause. Or, both may be Good or both Bad. Jessica is a DYNAMIC character. The Story Goal is also the concern of the overall story and isn't just the protagonist's goal, though he most strongly represents the effort to achieve it. It can be an entire group or entity that actively opposes the protagonist. The antagonist, just like the protagonist, can be a good guy or gal or a bad guy or gal. Jessica. Its essential when creating a strong antagonist is to remember to see things through their eyes. As described earlier, it may well be that the Protagonist is the Bad Guy and the Antagonist is the Good Guy. Loyal to cause, family, and allies. Protagonist vs Antagonist. Driven by a goal, duty, or curiosity. a character who represents evil, a character whose traits are the opposite of those of the protagonists, and MAYYY be a character who does not change throughout the whole story . The antagonist is depicted as the scalawag in the story. Character Types 1. They are generally one character who comes in the way of the protagonists while they want to fulfil their objectives. In the 1993 The Fugitive, Tommy Lee Jones' character is arguably the antagonist, except toward the end he turns around and he's helpful. The antagonist is the role that directly opposes the protagonists' outer journey. The important thing is that the Antagonist must be in a position in the plot to place obstacles in the path of the Protagonist. Without Biff, George never changes; without Georges arc, there is no happy ending. Is Jessica a STATIC or DYNAMIC character? Both characters play essential roles in the unfolding of events. In "First Confession," all of the following situations contribute to the humor created in the story by . Novels arent morality plays. _____ Explain your answer. Which character is best described as the antagonist? In A Song of Ice and Fire, most characters act as antagonists in others journeys, while the White Walkers remain the true villains of the series. Which of the following is a possible synonym for protagonist? A protagonist is the driving force of a story, while an antagonist offers opposition. the character who works against the protagonist in the story. George is the one that undergoes the major character arc. answer choices rival hero sidekick writer By all accounts sane and righteous, Michael Clayton s Karen Crowder (Tilda Swinton) is a bad guy. direct characterization. The antagonist doesnt just wake up one morning and decides to be evil for the heck of it. B) round character. The best way to understand the motivations of a character is to stop thinking of him as a real person. Role of the Antagonist. Lord Voldemort is the primary antagonist in this series, although the protagonist, Harry, runs into many other obstacles (including Draco) along the way. Explain Is Carrie Carter a dynamic character? 5. Which character is best described as the ANTAGONIST? Some classic examples feature clear heroes and villains (like Batman and the Joker, or Othello and Iago), while others are a bit more complicated. Superior intelligence or strength. Has a relatable character flaw. _____ Explain your answer. D. person who wrote the story. Answer (1 of 10): I think this fella in the image above, is a good, if not perfect, example. Role: The protagonist can be a human or a creature. Whether the character is dealing with the wilderness or the urban jungle, his first concern is always surviving his surroundings. It takes a physical force to stage that external battle of wills with a hero. Is Maria a static or dynamic character? Good examples include Cast Away , Snow Walker, The Towering Inferno, and The Road. Although the viewer doesnt realize it at the beginning of the story, Meryl Streeps character is the main antagonist of The Devil Wears Prada.The villain Darth Vader is one of the most recognizable villains of all time.I am the antagonist of the life stories of everyone who stands in my way, but in those stories, the antagonist wins.More items An antagonist is the force of a story that the protagonist contends with; whether it be human, natural or supernatural. Yet it's never enough to only have only an inner journey and inner conflict. A good examples come in how he behaves after breaking the news to Dorian about the death of his fiancee. indirect characterization. They should be just as well-developed as your main character or protagonist. 3. The antagonist the figure who attempts to make a struggle in the story. Question 7 300 seconds Q. She wants something and has determined her plan is the best course of action to get it. The antagonist is also known as an enemy or rival. When I send out a piece of writing to either an editor or a Beta reader I make sure that Ive given it my best. This type of antagonist is less likely to be morally evil or ambiguous. Which character is best described as the antagonist? The antagonist is the opponent of the protagonist. In a sense, Protagonist is the irresistible force and Antagonist is the immovable object. Itd be understandable for the MCU to choose Frost as the villain. Explain your answer. I like what Ive written and am looking forward to praise. The antagonist is the opponent of the protagonist. Character: The protagonist is depicted as a saint in the story. In order for the protagonist to be with the antagonist, the protagonist must overcome her destructive Lie-based mindset. Deacon Frost. Protagonists are mostly heroes, while antagonists are mostly villains. The Protagonist is the Prime Mover of the effort to achieve the Storys Goal. static character. Ms. McMillan. Survival stories often include a gamut of antagonists, but the most important one is always the setting. 4. The Antagonist is the Chief Obstacle to that effort. 3. 3. They work against the protagonist's main goal. ain your answer T 2. Antagonism is one of the critical tools of storytelling. The antagonist is also known as an enemy or rival. Every protagonist needs an antagonistic force. Answer (1 of 4): Imagine this: You're about to read a book about a kindhearted knight fighting against an evil king. The main difference between a protagonist and an antagonist is that the protagonist is often regarded as the hero of the story, while the antagonist is regarded as the villain. There has to be someone (or something) standing in our protagonists way in order to make the story interesting and push the protagonist into action. Other Helpful Antagonist ResourcesThe Wikipedia Page for Antagonist: A brief overview of the term, with some examples.The Dictionary Definition for Antagonist: A basic definition.Antagonists on Youtube: Protagonist versus Antagonist: A short video with a very brief breakdown of the difference between the two terms. Value judgments of good or bad fail to factor into this determination. What is an antagonist? B. antagonist in the story. Submit. The Antagonist avoids or prevents resolution of the inequity. What makes a good antagonist?Noivian. We've all probably experienced a good role play at least once in our role playing career, regardless how brief said role play lasted.Saccharine Cyanide. Cashdash25. Tedronai. Birdsie. Grey. Tedronai. Cashdash25. Tedronai. welian. More items The antagonist of a story stands in opposition to the protagonists goals. The protagonist is a model for the audience to follow. The main character which the story revolves around. A strong antagonist is highly motivated to act. In this book, there are two halves, which tells the story from the perspective of the knight and the perspective of the King respectively. Protagonist and antagonist and stakes character: important take-away info. Analyzing the characters behavior, personality, motivation and relationship with others enables one understand the external and internal qualities (Fleming). A Storymind. Posted on 2013-12-27 by Carol Balawyder. In literature, the antagonist is against that which the main character or protagonist. C) stock character. Biff the bully is a perfect weapon to assault Georges personality flaw of cowardice. The character that opposes the main character although, it isn't always the bad guy. Maria. Nice work! Is Jessica 9.Is Ms. McMillan an antagonist? The audience is meant to identify with the protagonist. Which character is best described as the protagonist? Explain your answer. This is the group villain, and though it may have a distinct face or figurehead, the group itself is recognized as the real bad gu Brave and courageous. Or, both may be Good or both Bad. Good literary antagonists are not all bad, because real people are not all bad or all good. the writer tells us directly what a character's personality is like. C. person telling the story. Correct! The protagonist is a model for the audience to follow. Doesnt matter. The important thing is that the Antagonist must be in a position in the plot to place obstacles in the path of the Protagonist. The antagonist in literature can be one character or a group of characters. The two characters are very important. 10. Or, both may be Good or both Bad. Greed, an enjoyment of violence, a personal demon. The Storymind Concept. Which of the following is a possible synonym for protagonist? While an antagonist will often appear as a foil to the protagonist, this is not always the case. Of course, just as with protagonists, an antagonist doesnt have to be one person working alone. A protagonist is the chief and leading character (or group of characters).A protagonist drives the plot forward.The main story arc is that of the protagonist . An antagonist in literature is usually a character or a group of characters that oppose the storys main character, who is known as the protagonist. A protagonist might have many foils and only one primary antagonist. Multiple "characters"one single mind. In the movie, Ives portrays the character Rufus Hannassey, head of a clan of ostensible neer-do-wells and all-around troublemakers. Jawanna. Dorian is obviously devastated by this news, and Lord Henry offers no condolences. The narrator of a story can best be described as the A. main character in the story. antagonist. Yet as individualistic and fantastical as they appear on the surface, underneath it all these characters portray various facets of the same human mind. Explain your answer. 2. Lord Henry is the antagonist of the novel, which he demonstrates by displaying many symptoms of his poor character. Is Jessica a static or dynamic character? The antagonist in a story or book helps create the main conflict or conflicts in the storyline. You just studied 2 terms! One-dimensional, cardboard, cartoonish characters. Experiences change. An antagonist is often a villain, but may be a force of As a writer striving to write an amazing and engaging story, it is important to create a strong protagonist vs. antagonist. Response These can be individual villains or forces of society (even forces of nature), but its important to consider how you treat any antagonist. Derived from the Greek word agonizesthai, antagonist literally translates to English as to contend with. Characteristics of an Antagonist: Juxtaposes Protagonist Often Villainous Hurray! The audience is meant to identify with the protagonist. answer choices rival hero sidekick writer language arts. As the vampire who turned Blades mother, Frost is key to the character's origin story. Jessica is a STATIC character. However, this could be a risky choice because Deacon Frost was the villain in the first movie of Wesley Snipess Blade trilogy. In using contrasting adjectives, you will help your reader differentiate between the two characters. Antagonists are such characters in a narrative that includes a character, or a group of characters who present obstacles or challenges to the protagonists of a story. The Protagonist pursues resolution of the inequity. In the end, George overcomes his flaw, defeats the bully and his life is changed forever. Submit. I recently got back a critique from a Beta reader. To describe the protagonist, you can use adjectives like obedient, confident, and studious while the antagonist can be described as being mischievous, rowdy or intimidating. Protagonist or Antagonist: Who to Introduce First. In "First Confession," Gran is best described as a A) flat character. Is Jessica a round or flat character? The antagonist can be a person, a gathering of characters, a foundation, or even an idea. Explanation: the definition of the antagonist is the villian of the story the character is revealed through their personality, appearance, words, actions, and effect on others. Introducing multiple sources of conflict doesnt necessarily strengthen your narrative, but it can lend depth and realistic complexity to your characters experiences. An antagonist may also be a force or institution, such as a government, with which the protagonist must contend. Stories dont move forward without conflict, and conflict is produced by antagonists. Why do you believe this? That is Burl Ives, from the movie The Big Country. That person or force is known as the antagonist. Truly, theres no Blade without Deacon Frost. 4.8.2 - Quiz: Conflict & Theme Quiz Language Arts 7 B / 4. Often, this type of antagonist is an important relationship character, such as the love interest in a romance. This is best described as a Supporting Character, because they are neither good, nor bad. Invokes trust or likeability. Heroes of the People / 4.8. The noun antagonist simply means an opponent or adversary : one that fights against a struggle (and typically that of the protagonist ). Now up your study game with Learn mode. The character in a story is normally described in detail, meaning that the reader knows their age, ethnicity, and distinctive physical features important to the story line. Correct answers: 1 question: 1. this kind of story, but that doesn't make it a good model. Question 7 300 seconds Q. As described earlier, it may well be that the Protagonist is the Bad Guy and the Antagonist is the Good Guy. Elly Kedward, the witch in the woods, is the antagonist and, in her eyes, the stakes are high and personal having been banished by the town in the 1700s. D) antagonist. Incorrect! In Dramatica, archetypal characters such as "antagonist" and "protagonist" are part of the overall story throughline. As described earlier, it may well be that the Protagonist is the Bad Guy and the Antagonist is the Good Guy. _____ Explain your answer. The important thing is that the Antagonist must be in a position in the plot to place obstacles in the path of the Protagonist. The ideology is best described as a publicly held, common misconception.

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which character is best described as the antagonist

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