why camels urine is highly concentrated

An animal adapted to living in places where water is scarce would be primed to loose as little as possible. It has also been proven to be effective against some types of bacteria and viruses. However, when a camel is pregnant, that pH value will drop down to 3.10. Each nephron is composed of a highly coiled tubule, one end of which forms a . Mr. . They are able to produce highly concentrated urine. The addax's adaptation to the desert is why scientists think they can potentially endure climate change. Urine that is produces is low in water concentration and the faeces produced are also very dry. Camels - Science topic. The best urine is said to come from a pregnant heifer camel. Above - a diagram of the nephron. The kangaroo rat's kidneys are especially efficient and produce only small quantities of urine, which is highly concentrated. The Function of the Loop of Henle. We showed that like all mammals, camels pee as well. What is the normal pH of urine? . 29 Votes) Answer: Crepuscular schedule allows the desert animals to avoid the high temperature and intense sunlight of day time and thereby, reduces the need of water to maintain the body temperature. -So that the wastes are concentrated in the urine, a large volume of blood is needed to make a small volume of urine. It has a strong water reabsorption capacity and eliminates highly concentrated urine. For historical reasons, ammonia is named ammine in the nomenclature of coordination compounds. This is made possible by the presence of fewer sweat glands compared to other animals. Reptiles and birds are set apart from mammals by . [1] The initial pH, TKN and TAN of the swine urine was observed relative to the pH and concentrations of samples taken at 7 days and 14 days. The mechanisms by which internal body fluids are maintained relatively constant, both in its volume and its contents, is known as osmoregulation. Both camel milk and urine are among natural products endowed in agents with such desirable characteristics. Causes of Acidic Urine. . With progression of dehydration, you will excrete smaller amounts of urine, which will be highly concentrated. If you drink this concentrated urine, you will obligatory excrete (urinate) more water (to excrete ingested urea and sodium) than you drank it so in this stage, by drinking urine you are actually dehydrating yourself. The kidney is a crucial organ in the body responsible for excreting wastes that accumulate during metabolic activities. Comes back as negative result. They excrete a highly concentrated urine. This is because the increase in concentration of ions deep in the medulla is effectively . Longer the Henle's loop, more amount of solute will be reabsorbed and hence more amount of water could be removed from filtrate. Category: science environment. The human kidney is made up of about a million nephrons, the filtering units of this complex and highly vascular organ. They excrete a highly concentrated urine. Their internal organs like the kidneys and intestines are also designed to eradicate less water content. A theory of renal function which is now generally accepted is' that the loops of Henle in the kidney act as a 'hair-pin' countercurrent multiplier system" making possible the production of hypertonic urine. Their feces is quite dry, their urine is highly concentrated urea, they can change their core body temperature with the weather and they are capable of getting their daily water requirements just from the plants they eat . Compared with other cattle, camel urine is alkaline due to high concentrations of potassium, magnesium and albuminous proteins, and low concentrations of uric acid, sodium and creatine [19-20]. There will be less urine produced and less water lost. Large, More. Camel urine is highly concentrated so the animal loses little moisture and its dung, similarly, is dry and hard. . . . Their pee is highly concentrated, thanks to their kidney structure. Fresh camel urine has a very strong smell, is highly concentrated, and has a pH value between 8.2 and 9.2, most likely because of the high concentration of potassium salts. By contrast, 1 or more of these markers are elevated in most patients with more advanced and symptomatic tumors, usually to levels several times the upper limit of the reference interval. diseases of camels . . Because it is highly concentrated, it induces diarrhoea and vomiting and so is used as a purgative. 7 7 1735 rp 1. Why is central Asia is called the dry world? Camels can withstand twice that level of dehydration. Based on their environment the physiological changes in a camel means that a camels urine would have _____ volume and be _____ concentrated. Nowadays, they are hugely important in many parts of the arid world as sustainable livestock species ( Burger, 2016 ). Camels urinate less than 1 liter of urine per day in hot summer days. 8 on low-cation diets. The mechanisms by which internal body fluids are maintained relatively constant, both in its volume and its contents, is known as osmoregulation. The nephron is the minute or microscopic structural and functional unit of the kidney.It is composed of a renal corpuscle and a renal tubule.The renal corpuscle consists of a tuft of capillaries called a glomerulus and a cup-shaped structure called Bowman's capsule.The renal tubule extends from the capsule. The insulin property in camel milk is safe and efficacious in improving long-term glycemic control in diabetic patient, especially for type 1 diabetes. All Ultra Klean products are currently the only products on the market today that offer a 500% money back guarantee on satisfactory results! They are said to have very long loops of Henle. What colour is it? No wild camels remain in Asia, though an introduced population has gone feral in Australia. These long loops of Henle give a greater opportunity for water to be reabsorbed. Urine is a potent combination of salts and chemicals that your body is attempting to remove. because the camels poo is dry and it makes it hot. Camels can endure temperatures from -29C to over 49C. The capsule and tubule are connected and are composed of epithelial cells with a lumen. The osmotic concentration of the RENAL FUNCTION OF THE VAMPIRE BAT 999 bat's blood is labile, but before feeding averages 325 mOsm, a value only 8 per cent hyperosmotic to the blood used for feeding. Interestingly, to protect the tissue from the effects of such a high concentration of urea, sharks also maintain high levels of free amino acids and methylamines to counter the effects of urea on protein and enzyme function. Large, More. Camels show following adaptations to desert environment: 1. can produce urine concentrated to 9,300 mosm/L25 times as concentrated as their body fluid. This concentrated urine not only serves to conserve water, but also allows camels to drink water which is more concentrated than sea Camels reduce their reliance on sweating to cool down at high temperatures. Has nitrofurantoin and large quantities of riboflavin. For high crude fibre forages and compared to cattle, goats use feeds with the same efficiency, camels and donkeys are less efficient, pigs are far less efficient, most poultry is far less efficient than cattle and rabbits are about as efficient as cattle. Concentration of urine (a "dilute" urine for a camel is 1000 Osm/L). The Camel employs camel . Urine drug concentra-tion depends on several and the preferred initial test for urine drug screening. A factor that affects urine volume (UV) is body size and weight. Typically, water-deprived birds produce urine that is 1.4-2.8 times more concentrated than plasma, whereas some mammals can produce urine 20-25 times more concentrated than plasma (but, for most mammals, urine is about 5 - 10 times more concentrated than plasma). Camel milk also gives a significant result in reducing autism symptoms in children. The principle focus is on the role of the kidneys in this process. Because it is highly concentrated, it induces diarrhoea and vomiting and so is used as a purgative. Too much nitrogen kills grass. The intestine of camels also reabsorbs water and, unlike other mammals, water loss through feces is low since the feces is very dry (Davidson, 2014). Why the Kidney of a camel has very long loops on henle . The more concentrated the pee, the worse the problem. 3. B cells are instructed by specific immunogens, for, example, bacterial proteins, to differentiate into plasma cells. Camels can concentrate their urine to very high levels, but they're not the ones with the greatest ability to do so. Urine sample is highly concentrated. . . Urine concentration is measured as that of the urine compared to that of blood serum. A post shared by Dr Raymond C Lee MD (@drrayleemd) on May 23, 2020 at 9:42am PDT It is produced meal or light snack generic viagra names for verts aciclovir into aciclovir monophosphate. Humans - somewhat of an exception - sweating iv. Camel urine was also used to bathe sand-scratched eyes, cleans wounds, treat skin complaints and even wash one's hair (since it killed lice). A long loop of Henle . Reptiles and birds are set apart from mammals by . The principle focus is on the role of the kidneys in this process. Camels Breeds of Pakistan . Water is absorbed in the intestines . The Camel employs camel . Camel urine is a liquid by-product of metabolism in camels. The kidneys of the kangaroo rat also have a long loop of Henle which helps the kidneys to be more efficient. So they went as directed and after they became healthy, they killed the shepherd of the Prophet . Small urine crystals may not always cause symptoms. Their bodies make full use of every bit of water from vegetation. The animal further loses energy containing-substances through excretion of urine and . Longer the Henle's loop, more amount of solute will be reabsorbed and hence more amount of water could be removed from filtrate. Reptiles, desert amphibians, birds, and most mammals -- skin is highly impermeable to water. The common value for urine pH is 6.0-7.5 for most people, but any value within the 4.5-8.0 range is generally not a cause for concern. . Why do camels have concentrated wee and dry poo? Cow hide - so impermeable that it is used to carry water or wine 4. That urination lasts from 18 to 28 seconds. However, a person with larger urinary stones, or stones that are moving through the urinary tract, may experience a range of uncomfortable . Camels contribute hugely to human survival in less agroecological parts of African, Asian and Arabian deserts. This means that more water can be reabsorbed from the CD and then pass into blood capillaries and the urine is made more concentrated. The camel is adapted to dry climates. Camels drop their body temperature at night, which prolongs the heating-up period the next day. 4.7/5 (604 Views . Why must the collecting duct pass back through a region of low water potential? Explanation: Desert mammals do not readily find water, hence they must excrete very less amount of water. Its urine is highly concentrated, and is its dung is dry to save water. The medulla of the kidneys in desert animals is much thicker than say a human's. Furthermore, urine provides . . More urea is produced with a higher protein diet, resulting in the need to produce highly concentrated urine to dispose of the breakdown elements. The absorption of water which is within the descending limb leads to an increasing osmotic gradient within the tubule and is also known as . The best urine is said to come from a pregnant heifer camel. Let's look at the facts, in order to find a solution to dog peeing on grass and killing it.What we know is: Dog pee is high in nitrogen products. Feedingdiet can greatly affect . (Milch) camels and to drink their milk and urine (as a medicine). Ammonia can act as a ligand in transition metal complexes.It is a pure -donor, in the middle of the spectrochemical series, and shows intermediate hard-soft behaviour (see also ECW model).Its relative donor strength toward a series of acids, versus other Lewis bases, can be illustrated by C-B plots. Urine sample is highly concentrated. This 'concentrating capacity' resides within the medullary cones. Frogs/amphibians - highly permeable skins a. A theory of renal function which is now generally accepted is' that the loops of Henle in the kidney act as a 'hair-pin' countercurrent multiplier system" making possible the production of hypertonic urine. Good Quality Diet: OK, so meat is high protein . Large desert ungulates (large mammals with hooves) cannot escape the desert heat by hiding in burrows like other smaller mammals. The fat globules are smaller in camel's milk than in cow's milk and that explains why camel's milk is unstable at high temperature. The pH is a measure of the degree of acidity or alkalinity of the urine. Because of their smaller bladder, camels urinate frequently, 9-11 times a day. The administration of camel milk and urine at a high dosage of 10 ml/kg demonstrated that it did not show any sign of toxicity and mortality in the animals during 2 weeks of observation. In a mammalian kidney, the cooperative action and precise arrangement of the loops of Henle and the collecting ducts are largely responsible for the osmotic gradients that concentrate the urine . How can this utterly unhygienic thing be medicinal?" This is the answer I found out: . Depending on their hydration status, they can pee from 0.13 and 1.3 gallons per day (0.5-5 l). . While camel urine (CU) is widely used in the Arabian Peninsula to treat various diseases, including cancer, its exact mechanism of action is . Although the basic elements of renal function are similar in the three classes, birds and mammals are set apart from reptiles in that the kidneys of these species have the ability to produce urines that are hyperosmotic to plasma. Animals concentrate their urine in the part of the kidney called the medulla. Plasma cells are protein-making cells that participate in humoral immune responses against bacteria, viruses, fungi, parasites, cellular antigens, chemicals, and synthetic substances. can produce urine concentrated to 9,300 mosm/L25 times as concentrated as their body fluid. Very recently some researchers found camel milk benefits for cancer. Their feces is very dry and their urine is highly concentrated. water conservation. Eventually, such animals will produce urine that is highly concentrated and their feces will be completely dry. It is usually impossible to diagnose asymptomatic, small carcinoid tumors by measurement of serum or urine serotonin, urine 5 hydroxyindoleacetic acid (5-HIAA), or serum chromogranin A. This gives us three ways to ban brown and encourage green growth. Can gain/lose a lot of water through skin 2. Camels can withstand twice that level of dehydration. Immunoglobulins (Ig) or antibodies are glycoproteins that are produced by plasma cells. A camel is an even-toed ungulate within the genus Camelus, bearing distinctive fatty deposits known as humps on its back. Urine that is highly concentrated is an indication of healthy kidneys. Camels are able to withstand changes in body temperature and water content that would kill most other animals. 51. Urine concentration is measured as that of the urine compared to that of blood serum. Although the basic elements of renal function are similar in the three classes, birds and mammals are set apart from reptiles in that the kidneys of these species have the ability to produce urines that are hyperosmotic to plasma. And can adjust their body temperature in a range of 34-40C to minimise sweating and conserve body fluids It can tolerate a loss of water equal to over 30% of body weight. Unlike camels, they can't directly store water in their body. This is where there is a high concentration gradient in the part of the nephron (the individual functional unit of the kidney) called the Loop of Henle. What colour is it? Based on their environment the physiological changes in a camel means that a camels urine would have _____ volume and be _____ concentrated. Furthermore, what are some adaptations of the kangaroo rat that allow . Animals fed a high protein meal would produce more concentrated urine than animals fed a low protein meal - explain why. the basic requirements for forming a concentrated urine are (1) a high level of adh, which increases the permeability of the distal tubules and collecting ducts to water, thereby allowing these tubular segments to avidly reabsorb water, and (2) a high osmolarity of therenal medullary interstitial fluid, which provides theosmotic gradient Interestingly, camels deal with high blood glucose level (twofold than other ruminants) without developing . The interstitial fluid, the coelomic fluid, the water in blood are collectively named internal body fluid or extracellular fluid (e.c.p). Conky: Camels are synonymous with excreting highly concentrated urine . It brought about an improvement in the . Ammonia is highly alkaline: this will also affect enzyme active sites. The long loop of Henle means that most of the water van be absorbed and ends up with highly concentrated urine. Its urine is highly concentrated, and its dung so dry it can be burned immediately. Why do camels have concentrated urine and faces? Whatever benefits would be derived from any substance in the Urine is negated by the poisonous concentration of them. Camel's milk fat contains much higher concentration of long-chained fatty acids (C 14 - C 18) than . There are two species of camel: Dromedary, or one . Water is not available easily. Questions: 1. Twice as much as humans. Cool: Camels are able to remain cool despite the excruciating heat in deserts. Animals like gazelle, eland, oryx, and camels have some adaptive mechanisms to survive heat and dehydration. The urine is usually thick, salty, and has a consistency of syrup. Desert Jerboa Diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) is an acute, major, life-threatening complication of diabetes that mainly occurs in patients with type 1 diabetes, but it is not uncommon in some patients with type 2 . This helps to conserve water for the organism, which results in highly concentrated urine. 1. These chemicals can cause significant health problems if you consume them. The function is to reabsorb the water and the sodium chloride from the filtrate. That is the reason urine is salty, it is highly concentrated. In a mammalian kidney, the cooperative action and precise arrangement of the loops of Henle and the collecting ducts are largely responsible for the osmotic gradients that concentrate the urine . Explanation: Desert mammals do not readily find water, hence they must excrete very less amount of water. The addax can go all year without water, getting moisture from ground vegetation. because camel's urine contains a high level of potassium and proteins. The interstitial fluid, the coelomic fluid, the water in blood are collectively named internal body fluid or extracellular fluid (e.c.p). Why is the loop of Henle longer in desert animals? . The pH scale runs from 1 . The chief constituents of extracellular fluid are ions . A urine drug test is a way to identify if someone has ingested drugs in the recent past. A factor that affects urine volume (UV) is body size and weight. Has nitrofurantoin and large quantities of riboflavin. oral administration of HCl/ethanol mixture at a volume of 0.2 ml/animal and concentration of 60% EtOH, and 0.3M HCl was sufficient to induce ulcers in the . Camels show following adaptations to desert environment: 1. Why do camels have long loop of Henle? The dung was burnt as fuel on camp fires; and the urine served as a purgative. Urine is the concentrated toxin and refuses of the body. . The beef blood used varied from 296 to 300 mOsm, a concentration typical of many mammals. Enter the email address you signed up with and we'll email you a reset link. Toxins, salt and metabolic wastes are concentrated and dissolved in water before being flushed out via urination. Why is it important for terrestrial mammals to reabsorb . They are able to produce highly concentrated urine. The chief constituents of extracellular fluid are ions . The role of the kidney in producing a small volume of highly concentrated urine has been well-documented, but little is known about the physiological mechanisms underpinning the metabolic . Reduction in feeding to reduce water . These products possess supreme cytotoxic effect against various cancer cells and cell lines. Click to see full answer. They are, however, incredibly efficient at conserving water. Above - a diagram of the nephron. They have been used for transportation, as a source of food and for protection for a very long time.

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why camels urine is highly concentrated

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